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Point system : functioning and official position

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Point system : functioning and official position Empty Point system : functioning and official position

Message par Admin Mer 21 Mai - 15:28

In parallel with the timer system and the questions system, we use a point system.

How does it work?
We register to one or more advertising agencies. It provide us banners to place on the site. When one of our internet user (so, you) makes a particular action (see further), this agency credit us a few cents. The fact that you view the banner on our site for 30 seconds gives you a point. At the end of the month, points are converted into cash according to the amount offered by the agency(ies) (as long as the money has effectively been received)

What are the actions that makes the site earn money?
Actions leading to an increase of the site earnings depend on the ad. There's however only 5 types of possible actions:

  • Display : We earn money if you display the banner
  • Click : We earn money if you click on the banner
  • Double-click : We earn money if you click on the banner, and then on a link on the page on which you arrive
  • Formular : We earn money if you click on the banner, and register to the site on which you arrive
  • Sell : We earn money if you click on the banner, and buy something on the site on which you arrive

For each ad, the remuneration type is displayed, but ONLY INFORMATIVELY

HiaKa's official position
We remind you that in no case are you forced to click on the banner or to click, register or buy something on the site on which you arrive. The only thing you have to do to earn a point is to view the banner for 30 seconds. The fact that you click or not only depends on you and on your interest for the ad. In particular, I ask you not to make a remunerative action just to increase the point rate. Respect the advertiser, please

Why are other point sites deleted from most of the advertisement agencies?
In most cases, point PTC sites are making some form of incentive, that means that they induce you to click on the banners to increase the point rate. Whether it is a simple message like "Thanks to click on the banner", or the fact to delete members that never make any remunerative action, or yet to give a bonus to those who makes "good clicks", it is incentive and thus it's forbidden. However, do not worry, we submit our project to each advertisement agency and, only with its agreement, we broadcast its ads in the point system. If the advertisement agencies are honest, there should be no problem...

Nombre de messages : 339
Age : 43
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 13/05/2008


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