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Member-contributed FAQ

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Member-contributed FAQ Empty Member-contributed FAQ

Message par Admin Dim 18 Mai - 23:55

Below, you can find a list of frequently asked questions, as well as their solution.

I still haven't been paid Posted by : Admin
Pay-out requests are handled frequently, but some delay may occur. The possible reasons are (non exhaustively) : Delay caused by Alertpay, DB technical issues, natural-cause disaster leading to data loss (for AlertPay or for us). In any cases, you'll eventually get paid. Be patient. Don't duplicate posts, it justs slows down the payment process.

My account has been deleted? Posted by : Admin
Account deletion is automatic, and if you've been deleted, it's because you tried to cheat (a way or another). However, since informatic systems are not unfailing, we let you the possibility to send one (and only one) message to the administrators in order to justify yourself. They'll evaluate your case and restore your account if no fraud have been detected, or will definitely close your account if they indeed have the proof that you tried to cheat.

I followed a link that a member posted in the forum, and now my account has been deleted. Help me! Posted by : Admin
I'm sorry, but you're responsible for your clicks. Yes, we detect frauds, and yes it includes URL detection. If you manually edit the URL of a HiaKa webpage without using internal links, the account deletion risk is huge (especially, it is automatic and immediate). Be extremely careful to the links on which you click (the destination address appears on the bottom left of firefox or IE). I know that it can be very penalizing for some people and that a click happens fast, but how do you want us to make the difference between an accidental and a deliberate hack? If we ever find a message containing this kind of link, we'll delete it as well as the author of the message (according to the 10th point of the forum terms)

My referer/one of my referal is a big cheater. Do I risk something? Posted by : Admin
NO! You are not responsible for the malevolence acts of your referals, and even less of your referer. On some sites, you would be deleted for having brought cheater to the site, or for having followed a cheater's link, but not here. As long as you don't personnaly cheat, you're safe.

To complete this list, post your message below. We'll add the content in this list (if however we estimate that the message is worth being in this FAQ) and will delete your message

Nombre de messages : 339
Age : 44
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 13/05/2008


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