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A problem with a campaign

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A problem with a campaign Empty A problem with a campaign

Message par Admin Mar 15 Juin - 15:57

This topic is ment to collect your testimonials regarding the issues that you could experience on some campaigns.

For each campaign, please provide
  1. The campaign ID. However, this is not the number displayed in the list, because this one changes constantly and it would be impossible to find the corresponding campaign. We need the idpub number from AvenirAffiliation. For instance, in "http://www.avenir-affiliation.fr/framedbclic3.php?idpub=2376&pseudo=hiakabe" (which displays on the address bar when one clicks on the banner) the campaign number is 2376.
  2. The problem. For instance: "Every link breaks the frame and I cannot validate", "The page never loads", "There is some pornographic content", ...

Good Example :

1) Campaign 2376
2) Everytime I click on a link, it opens a new page

Thanks to this report, we will be able to check the campaign and blacklist it if there really is a problem. This way, it will never appear on HiaKa again

Bad Example :

1) Point campaign n°7 (http://hiakaptc.be/viewads_en.php?IdPub=-108&IdPubDetail=1)
2) I don't like this campaign

The fact of not liking a campaign is not a sufficient reason to remove it from HiaKa (unless of course if the scam is obvious. We don't support scams), but in the case of the example, none of the provided informations would allow us to trace the campaign

Nombre de messages : 339
Age : 44
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 13/05/2008


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