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How to become a moderator?

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How to become a moderator? Empty How to become a moderator?

Message par Admin Dim 18 Mai - 22:14

We are currently looking for moderators. It is a high responsability position which must not be taken light-heartedly...

In order to be a part of the group, you must fulfill the following conditions :

- Having posted at least 50 messages of more than 20 words (any subjects) in English or in French
- Having posted at least 20 messages having the goal to help the community or the members in trouble
- Having never posted message that are nuisible to the site or to their members

If you fulfill these conditions, send me a PM with the title : "Request for moderator group adhesion". You case will then be evaluated in order to see if you effectively fulfill the required conditions.

Nombre de messages : 339
Age : 43
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 13/05/2008


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